21/11/2016; 03.30pm
Salam and hello everyone :) Who doesn't feel excited waiting for their graduation day after these 4 years ups and downs? It has been almost a month since my graduation day but still the feeling ahhh sho happy tehee :D first thing first is spending time itself, we got to meet after 3 months finished our semester. ahhh beshnyeeee ❤️So today, I decided to pin down my experience for your guidance in future :)
As everyone being informed, UPM's convocation has two sessions each day, morning session (8.00 am until noon) and afternoon session (2.00 pm - 5.00 pm). Siapa yang dapat sesi pagi tu beruntunglah anda kerana cuaca mendung dan selesa untuk keluarga dan kenalan tunggu di luar dewan, plus your makeup still look fresh! On the other hand, afternoon session (which is my session) teguhkanlah keimanan dan kesabaran anda, cuaca tak menentu entah panas terik yang amat atau hujan kilat melampau, make up pun dah hilang sebab peluh. hahaahha sabar je lah :'(
Make sure that one day before, please check the weather! I did check them so that I can be fully prepared emotionally and physically if it is raining on my convocation day, and luckily it was not raining! ommo kemain ligatlah bergambar lepas keluar dewan hahahaha.On the graduation day, please wear what make you feel comfortable all day long. Pakailah tudung yang buat ko selesa, kalau suka bawal pakai bawal takyah sebab nak ikut trend shawl, pastu nanti keluar dewan tudung dah senget benget, end up ko yang emosi tak tentu pasal, please don't let anything ruin your big day! For those in afternoon session, make sure korang ambil wuduk dan jaga wuduk elokelok sebelum bersiap dan bersolek. So that, korang tak drag masa yang lama untuk ke dewan. Percayalah nanti korang akan sangat kelam kabut sebab masa sangat singkat yang amat dan jalan akan tersangatlah sesak sebab banyak pintu akan ditutup (entahlah apa motif tutup semua pintu hmmm), jagalah wuduk anda sebaiknya, okayss :) Macam hari tu sepatutnya berkumpul untuk masuk ke dalam dewan pukul 1.45 pm, ramai yang tak datang lagi drag masa ke 2.05 pm baru masuk dewan hmmm. Anyone who came after that unable to join the ceremony, poor you! hmmmm
Then, for those who still wondering can or can't you bring your phone together, yes you can bring together your belonging. Tapi, untuk memudahkan tak perlulah bawa handbag sebab takdenye orang nak meniaga dalam dewan tu jual air ke jajan ke, takdenye. Bawa phone cukup, senang nak roger family bila keluar dewan nanti ye dok :) I even bring a small bag that fit my phone, jajan (percayalah nanti ko akan kebulur dalam dewan tu tapi bawa cekelat kecik cukup takyah beria nak bawa popcorn keropok bagai, jentik dahi kang!), and lipstick untuk dikongsi bersama kawankawan hahahah :') And lastly sit and enjoy the day...
I did some photoshoot with family and friends, penat jangan cakaplah. Tapi disebabkan happy, semua penat hilang wehuu, family pun supportive and enjoy gituuuu~ Here I share some pictures for my collection and to please your eyes teheeee :D Any questions, please don't be hesitate to ask me okay! Till then, take care, jaga hati ❤️
Family ❤️
Friends ❤️
Hi there. Nak tanya if kita skip program fakulti or program yg diwajibkan, ada kemungkinan tak tak bole grad? Ke grad tu semata mata depends on akademik ya
ReplyDeleteHi arina 🌸 A'ah chances untuk grad kalau tak skip subject wajib sangat tipis sebab bhep akan check one by one 😅 Better you check dekat bahagian akademik bhep tau 🤗